Yes, this is the place to find Graffiti Removal equipments. The high quality graffiti remover is ideal for use on many kinds of surfaces. 1 litre of this remover will cover 4-8 metres. It breaks graffiti into tiny particles. It allows easy removal through brushing. This gets to work in a short space of time. It may require a second coat, if necessary. It has unique formula only effects the thin film that the graffiti itself on the remainder surface remains untouched, allowing the user to use this product quite effectively. Note that the product ensures no dark marks or smudges are left behind once the cleaning is done. The graffiti remover starts breaking down after 2-10 minutes, which means the user can get to work on removing stubborn graffiti almost immediately. Ideal for use on buildings, walls, bridges, vehicles, signs and fences etc. In some circumstances, the affected surface may need more than one coat. Once the first coat has been brushed clean the user should apply more of this graffiti remover if they still see any leftover graffiti on the surface. Next on the list is Graffiti Removal aerosol spray. It is a highly effective aerosol graffiti remover, ideal for removing ink from flat surfaces. It cleans ink from plastic, walls, trailer, curtains etc. It can be used as a paint stripper. It comes as a non-drip formula. It is highly effective at removing paint and varnish. This graffiti remover is perfect for all kinds of applications. Even though this graffiti remover works on all kinds of surfaces it is best suited for flat surfaces, where it can deliver excellent cleaning standards. It gives excellent cleaning standards to railway carriages, truck bodies, workshop huts etc. This and other such products are available on Pittman’s traffic and safety equipment website.